The Hine Lab

Aston University


Meet the Hine Lab

Anna Hine

Group leader

Anupama Chembath

Senior Researcher

Mohammad Ashraf

Senior Technician

Bitasadat Hosseini


About Us

The Hine lab’s principal expertise is in high-throughput gene/protein library generation. We have invented both ‘MAX’ and ‘ProxiMAX’ and randomization technologies. Each is a defined saturation mutagenesis platform that delivers precision control of both identity and relative ratio of amino acids at specified locations within a protein library. Each process is non-degenerate, meaning that encoding DNA libraries are as small as is physically possible. ‘MAX’ randomization targets codons at separated locations within a gene and is particularly applicable to α-helical proteins, whilst ‘ProxiMAX’ is designed to saturate multiple contiguous codons as required in antibody engineering and is the technology that lies behind Isogenica’s Colibra™ offering.
Since no constraints are imposed by the genetic code, both technologies can eliminate unwanted amino acids such as cysteine and methionine from libraries or encode desired subsets of amino acids with ease. We also have expertise in analyzing protein-ligand interactions and particularly relevant to the PRe-ART project, in collaborating with physical scientists, including chemists, chemical engineers, materials scientists, physicists and mathematicians. Such collaborative projects include development of photonic biosensors, delivery of active proteins to the cytoplasm of cells, protein-based purification of plasmid DNA and mathematical prediction of protein-DNA interactions.

Learn more about our research

Selected References

Chembath A., Wagstaffe B. P. G., Ashraf M., Amaral M. M. F., Frigotto L. & Hine A. V. (2022) Nondegenerate Saturation Mutagenesis: Library Construction and Analysis via MAX and ProxiMAX Randomization. Directed Evolution: Methods in Molecular Biology. Currin, A. & Swainston, N. (eds.). Springer, Vol. 2461. p. 19-41 23 p. (Methods in Molecular Biology; vol. 2461).

Ferreira-Amaral, M.M., Frigotto, L. and Hine, A.V. (2017) Beyond the natural proteome: nondegenerate saturation mutagenesis – methodologies and advantages. Meth. Enyzmol. 585, 111-133. Link to article.

Frigotto L., Smith, M.E., Brankin, C., Sedani, A., Cooper, S.E., Kanwar, N., Evans, D., Svobodova, S., Baar, C., Glanville, J, Ullman, C.G. and Hine, A.V. (2015) Codon-precise, synthetic, antibody fragment libraries built using automated hexamer codon additions and validated through Next Generation Sequencing. Antibodies 4, 88-102. Link to article.

Ashraf, M., Frigotto, L., Smith, M.E., Patel, S., Hughes, M.D., Poole, A.J., Hebaishi, H.R.M., Ullman, C.G. and Hine, A.V. (2013) ProxiMAX randomisation: a new technology for non-degenerate saturation mutagenesis of contiguous codons. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 41, 1189-1194. Link to article.
